Cover Contest

Enter Here

If you've stopped by our On Sale Now page, then you've seen the cover of Freaks' Thoughts. While it's got a real classy look to it, it's just a bit bland. It didn't start out that way though, I know one of the greatest artists in the world. I do, she lives in my town. I won't name her here though, because she'd probably get mad at me. You see, she's moved on to "better" things. I guess it's really my problem and not hers though, because I always want people to do what their heart tells them to do, and not life. It's not easy to survive as an artist, or a comedian, so most people don't even try. Not even if they're really good at it. Well, think about it, I'll bet almost everyone you know is REALLY good at something that they love, and have absolutely no plans on doing that for a living, or even long-term. They'll put it off until later because right now they have to go out and find a "real" job and make money. Then they'll put it off some more and then some more, until they suddenly forget that they love doing whatever it was they were really good at.

I write. That is what I'm really good at, that is what I love. I also love art, but I'm horrible at it. Somewhere out there is someone who is really good at drawing, and who loves drawing just about anything they can. If that someone is you, then you are who this article was written for. Even if you repair cars for a living, or are still in high-school and not quite sure if you're willing to live off your parents for the few extra years it will take you to make it in the arts business.

I am looking for someone to draw a Black&White cover for Mumbles. Maybe even The Voices but Loki said that he's going to do that one.

If you can draw, love to draw, and would like to see your artwork on the cover of our next book, then go out and draw something. Then, if you have access to a scanner, scan your drawing and, if you have a website, upload it to your site then e-mail me the URL to the image. If you don't have a website then you can e-mail me the file. If you don't have a scanner then mail your entry to:

Mumbles Art Contest
3274 Bunker Hill Rd
Lake Charles LA, 70611

If you mail your entry please DO NOT BEND OR FOLD IT, and ship it with a piece of cardboard or something that will keep it safe and straight.

Our favorite picture will used as the cover art for Mumbles and all entries will be put up on this site (another reason I'd rather you put the pic up on your own space). The artist who sent us the pic will receive a free copy of the book, once it's available.

Only send pictures that you drew yourself, do not send us stuff by other people that you just scanned. I do not want to get in trouble for using marvel comic's cover art for my poetry book. Also entries sent by snail-mail are non-returnable, but I will send you the full scan upon request.

Well.. What are you doing just sitting there? Go draw something!