Welcome to our World

        A freak, as defined by most dictionaries, is an oddity of nature, but a Freak, is a person who will be his/herself no matter what is in, who is cool, or whatever. A Freak is not necessarily a person who stands out, though in most cases, he does. Most Freaks can blend in quite well with other people. They just don't let anyone influence them very much. Not being influenced very easily is the main thing that will set a Freak apart. That or not getting along very well with his/her peers when they were young. With me it was both; I was always very different in my thinking and lack of style. I never wore what was in at the time, until my style became in, only then did I match. I remember in fifth grade going to school in rubber boots and holes in the knees of my bell-bottom jeans.
        When I was in the 9th grade some Freaks started noticing each other so that is when the Hug-Loving Freaks began to get together. Then, somehow, in the next year I got involved. We were about six or seven kids that decided to band together and create our own clique by writing and signing The Declaration of Freaks (actually all I got to do was sign). A year after that when there were at least twelve Hug-Loving Freaks, I started this book. At first, it was to be called Hawk's Thoughts, and I was only going to put my stuff in. When I started showing it off (as I tend to do) other Freaks shared theirs too, and I was astounded by the hidden talents that showed up. Someone asked me if he could put his poems in as well. I said yes, and then it was time to change the name. Now there are around twenty-something Hug-Loving Freaks, and at least half of them write.
        Sometimes it is just shocking to know that poetry this great came from someone who didn't have years and years to perfect his or her own style and feelings to and for this art. Other times the material could not have come from someone who has made it through their teens. This book is well blended in its maturity, skill, and topics. So anyone who is at all interested in poetry, or even reading, is sure to enjoy the thoughts, dreams, and stories of the gifted authors in this book.

The Master Storyweaver
Sparrow Hawk
Jester of the Archflambeoth